Hire Dr. Emmanuel Abel as a Consultant

My consultancy service is a VIP service designed for individuals or organizations interested in investing $100,000 and above into setting up a pet plastic waste recycling plant and exporting business capable of generating a minimum $2000 daily.

Would you like to employ an experienced waste recycling business consultant for your project? If yes is your answer, then you are in the right place.

This is a VIP service designed for any one or organization interested  in working  with me as a consultant to set up a recycling plant capable of producing pet plastic material worth up to $5,000 daily with a waiting  market ready to off take every kilogram produced.

I will :

– Work with you from scratch to set up your pet plastic waste recycling business, My job starts with Advising the client  on the best location to site a pet plastic waste  recycling facility 
– Work with the clients’ architect to draw up the recycling facility plan 
– Help  procure the best and high quality  equipment through reliable and trusted suppliers
– Invite the client to our waste recycling facility to experience recycling business operators  in real time and also learn the business
– Work with the client  to set up a recycling  facility while waiting for the arrival of the equipment purchased.
– Help the client  install the equipment upon arrival
– Train staff on how to operate the equipment
– Train the team on how to produce good  quality waste  materials accepted in the international market for recycling
– Teach the client how to package the processed pet plastic waste  depending on the country it will be exported to.
– Advise client on how to load the pet plastic waste  material into a container 

My job ends when the  first container of pet plastic waste leaves the facility for export.

YOU ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A MINIMUM CAPITAL OF $100,000 TO SETUP THIS BUSINESS. (This does not include the cost of the land, it will be invested into the purchase of Industry standard High performance recycling equipment, facility setup, and human capital)

Which of these services are you interested in?

Want to begin your journey in the recycling business today? click the button below to get started.